Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update: This is as big as I can get it. I could try to scan it at a higher resolution, but the letter says:

Your check is being returned to you for the following reason:

The check is made out to us, but the form we received is for services by another entity.

Thank you for your prompt attention in this manner.

(the date of the check is six months before the date of the letter. they are very prompt.)

Who can tell me why I can't embiggen the image in the previous post? It makes the previous post pointless.


Smart@ss said...

Sometimes blogger forgets it. Make sure you use the "large" image selection deally and press the "done" button when it pops up rather than just closing the window.

It's perfectly cromulent.

Laura said...

OMG, for a second, I thought they had band-aided your check to their note instead of stapling it, but then I realized that was your clever way of bleeping. I can't quite read what it says. Make it bigger! (I don't know how since I can't see the file. But I sometimes have problems with blogger.)

Latitude said...

Our friend Blake used the word 'cromulent' in his final college paper. I don't think anyone noticed.