Thursday, May 2, 2019


Here I sit...and I could not wait to return to the writer's chair. I have so much more to say. I also am in the fight for my life. The wonderful news: I don't have anything PHYSICALLY terminal right now. Two of my medical conditions, Gasteroparesis and Bipolar Type I, can turn terminal at any minute. However I am proud to say that I feel the least suicidal I've ever felt in my life. I have a devoted partner who has shown me EVERYTHING. He has changed my past, present, and always my future.
It might be hard to believe, but I still have a strong relationship with former contributor, Longitude, my husband. In fact I just put my ring back on today. Our relationship is and will remain completely platonic. But anyone who has ever cordially done a shared custody agreement this complicated would understand. Both kids get to come over any time we arrange it. Every day for the next several days. I have established myself ,with ONLY $ from the government, in a small duplex down the street from where the kids live. I couldn't be happier, or more excited to update you on the lives of people I've written about, such as LMK. 😉, if you're here.
I am going to share my GoFundMe link that a friend of ours so kindly made. (I just got to see her today!) I do need help. I will need help. We will need this to be funded in order to keep me going while Chris works to support himself. It's not fun, but it's true. Please contribute financially if you can or spread far and wide to let others know. Thank you from the bottom of my 🌈💜


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